

The third part of the Our-Stage-project for Roma artists
The Roma population is one of the most vulnerable groups in Europe, exposed to racism and discrimination in their everyday lives. For example, it is difficult for this group to access certain services and make use of certain rights. They are often confronted with devaluation by other people. Also Roma artists are facing antiziganism and discrimination in the arts and culture sector.

As part of the "OUR STAGE" project, we want to counteract this problem together with our partners.

Young Roma artists should be given the opportunity to be the main protagonists of an artistic production, gain professional experience and network internationally with young colleagues from all backgrounds. This practical experience and the desired empowerment should also pave the way for integration into the labour market in the arts and culture sector.

After the activities in Lisbon and Amsterdam, it is now Graz's turn...
Writer and director Christian Winkler and his team are working on the development and realisation of the third act of a joint international performance, which will be presented on our stage.

- Date -
23rd of February 2024 at 6 p.m.

Free entrance!

(c) Original-Foto: Edi Haberl




OUR STAGE - Performance, Act 3
Theatrical Partnership as Enablers of Social and Behavioral Skills for Romani Youth and Travelers

KA220-YOU - Cooperation partnerships in youth

Team: Suresh Nampuri (JAIT), Ivana Nikolic (ZID), Christian Winkler (TaL)

Collaborating organisations
RomPraha, Czech Republic
Oecon Group Bulgaria (OECON BG), Bulgaria

JAIT- International Theatre, Portugal
Stichting ZID, Netherlands
Fundacio Privada Pere Closa, Spain
The Cube, Enterpreneurship Support & Education, Greece
& Theater am Lend

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

