Das Schreiben fiktionaler Realität und das unbekannte Satyrspiel
STREAM via Youtube: Ein
Gespräch mit dem Autor Christian Winkler und Edith Draxl (Theater am Lend)
Kann Verschollenes rekonstruiert
werden? Wie lassen sich aus den konkreten Erzählungen der Chormitglieder fiktionale Erinnerungen zusammensetzen? Was passiert
mit persönlichen Geschichten, wenn sie in neue Kontexte gesetzt werden?
Edith Draxl & Christian Winkler sprechen über das Schreiben fiktionaler Realität. Und wie aus Erinnerungen ein Theaterstück wurde.
Streaming LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9-fHBxE8yU&feature=youtu.be
Im Rahmen von THE CHORUS PROJECT Festival Democracy 2.0
Hosted by Pathos München
Streaming from Schwere Reiter, München
All Talks + Lectures will be in English.
Join us online
17.–20. February 2021
Who is the Chorus today? Who gets to speak? Who is being told about? Who is writing history? What changes of perspective are necessary? And how does the ancient crisis unfold in a new way for us at the current and global crisis?In Aeschylus, guilt followsguilt, an eternally continuing cycle. How to break it? Are we currently in a position to do so and what alliances are needed? With "Democracy 2.0" we question the recent history, the democratic and perhaps also undemocratic developments of the last years and take a look from their roots to a common future to be created.
Program, Tickets and Streaming Links via the PATHOS München : www.pathosmuenchen.de
The Festival Democracy 2.0 is curated and moderated by Katja Kettner & Elsa Büsing
More information about THE CHORUS PROJECT and the "Festival Democracy 2.0" can be found on the website of the international project: https://chorus-project.com/
Edith Draxl & Christian Winkler sprechen über das Schreiben fiktionaler Realität. Und wie aus Erinnerungen ein Theaterstück wurde.
Streaming LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9-fHBxE8yU&feature=youtu.be
Im Rahmen von THE CHORUS PROJECT Festival Democracy 2.0
Festival Democracy 2.0
Hosted by Pathos München
Streaming from Schwere Reiter, München
All Talks + Lectures will be in English.
Join us online
17.–20. February 2021
Who is the Chorus today? Who gets to speak? Who is being told about? Who is writing history? What changes of perspective are necessary? And how does the ancient crisis unfold in a new way for us at the current and global crisis?In Aeschylus, guilt followsguilt, an eternally continuing cycle. How to break it? Are we currently in a position to do so and what alliances are needed? With "Democracy 2.0" we question the recent history, the democratic and perhaps also undemocratic developments of the last years and take a look from their roots to a common future to be created.
Program, Tickets and Streaming Links via the PATHOS München : www.pathosmuenchen.de
The Festival Democracy 2.0 is curated and moderated by Katja Kettner & Elsa Büsing
More information about THE CHORUS PROJECT and the "Festival Democracy 2.0" can be found on the website of the international project: https://chorus-project.com/

Gefördert vom Kulturreferat der Landeshauptstadt München, Bezirk Oberbayern, Kulturstiftung
der Sparkasse München und European Cultural Fund (EACA).