

A dance performance about strategies and its mechanics.

5 people having the goal of their own finding ways of negotiations with another in order "cohabitate" in the space adjusting their wishes, enjoying and exploiting on the go.

Game - latest performance of Danielis and his team from series about power is deeply rooted in Game theories, reflecting and representing the key triggers of mechanics within our societies.

Tickets: € 15/8.-

Choreography & concept_Tomas Danielis
Dramaturg_ Thomas Jelinek
Light design & tech.director_Milan Slama
Music_archive of performers and J.S.Bach
Performing & choreography_Fülöp László, Jessica Simet, Riccardo De Simone, Julia Arsen,  Tomas Danielis

Graphic design: Maria Corejova

Special thanks: Petrányi Barna - Pro Progressione